
                      124 Bridge Street / P.O. Box 206

                 Salem, Massachusetts   01970


Fr. James F. Morris, Jr., Pastor 

3Dewey Dr. Unit D  Salem, MA 01970          cellular phone:  781-632-5182                     Email:  stjnsalem624@gmail.com                                                        

            Parish Calendar /Парафіяльний Календар


Sunday, December 8 – 29th Sunday after Pentecost and celebration of the feast of St. Nicholas

Divine Liturgy – 10:00 a.m.


THANK YOU to those parishioners who have thoughtfully and generously made a donation to the Annual Stamford Bishop’s Fund.  This important fund assists the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford to carry out the important work among our 56 parishes spread out across New England and New York state.  Our parish assessment for the year is and has been set for many years at $1200.00 annually.  At this stage we are $250.00 short of meeting our assessment.  To those who are considering a gift, please be assured that a gift in any amount is most appreciated. 


 The Sacrament of Confession is available before Divine Liturgy from 9:10 – 9:45 a.m. or at other times by arrangement with Father Jim.  

Таїнство Святої Сповіді можна приступити перед Божественною Літургією з 9:10 до 9:45 або в інший час за домовленістю з Отцем Яковом
